Therapy tailored for pregnant, postpartum, and parenting women.

We’re here to help you on your journey back from depression, anxiety, and overwhelm.

You expected pregnancy, your birth, and bringing home your baby to be a joyful experience. Maybe you were told it would be the happiest time of your life. But that’s not how it feels. Are any of these true for you?

  • You feel sad or depressed and it’s hard to keep moving forward

  • You feel anxious all day and can’t concentrate or sleep

  • Your feel worried because your pregnancy is not going as you planned or hoped it would

  • Your birth was traumatic and you think about what happened a lot

  • Your infant had to stay in the NICU and you are so overwhelmed you feel like you could break down at any time or you have stopped feeling anything

  • Life with your newborn is just so overwhelming you can’t imagine how you will get through this

  • You feel anxious about your baby and have thoughts that keep popping into your head that you can’t get rid of

  • You feel guilty because it’s hard to connect with your baby or you’re worried you don’t love them enough

Parenting is hard. It can be overwhelming. Just when you think you have control of things, your child or your life changes again. Why does it seem like everyone else can do it so well? Do any of these sound like your life?

  • You feel run down and tired all the time

  • You often think “I’m not good enough” or “I’m not a good mother/parent?”

  • You don’t know how you can continue to keep up with everything

  • You find it hard to make time for yourself, or you feel guilty making time for yourself

  • You just want to get back to being “you” and not have everyone see you as only a mother or parent

  • You just want to be able to hear yourself think for a few minutes

  • There is no getting around it, you are just burnt out

  • It seems like everyday is a repeat of the day before

I can help…

There is a way out of the darkness or cycle of overwhelm. I provide a safe, compassionate, and non-judgmental space to explore all of your emotions, validate your experiences, and develop tools so you can get through each new day. Together, we can help you adjust to your new life postpartum or your changing life as a parent in a way that feels right for you. Take the first step towards supporting your emotional well-being. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to learn more about how I can help.

Full assessment to determine mental health diagnoses and understand neurodivergence

Therapy to help if you are struggling and want to learn tools so you can move forward

Therapy with your infant if you are having a hard time bonding because of depression, anxiety, or trauma

Clinical consultation, CE training, and expert testimony


Contact me to learn more about assessment, therapy, or myself. I offer free 15-minute consultations so you can learn more. You can also contact me to learn more about my professional services. I look forward to learning more about you!